Powder Mask - vitamin / acne
Powder mask for acne-sensitive skin
-비타민C가 함유
-문제 피부를 진정시켜주고 피부에 활력을 주어 생기있게 해줌
-발란스가 무너진 피부에 균형을 맞추어 피부를 건강하게해줌
아스코빅애씨드(0.1%),스페인감초뿌리추출물,알란토인,소듐하이알루로네이트,황색203호,향료Representative component
- Alginate / Alginate
- Diatomaceous earth
- Glucose
- Corn starch
How to use
- Powder (1): Mix in water (0.8) ratio.
- Spray the mixed powder on the face with a spatula and after 15-20 minutes, remove it from the bottom to the top.
- After removing it, apply the skin toner to the face and finish it.